Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Dear Catherine, 31 March

March 31st, 2001

Dear Catherine,

I have been well since we last spoke (even though things ended somewhat badly). The insurance company has said they will pay for most of the damages to the car (and for the cosmetic dental work required for Mrs. Appleby’s Irish setter). The doctor says this neck brace can come off soon. So I am feeling good. The only slight inconvenience has been that the muscle relaxers I have been taking have been giving me blackouts and what appear to be seizures. (Not very serious ones – don’t worry! But I have taken to wearing a mouthguard and helmet when not in public.) Also, I think I am lactose intolerant.

So, how are you? Did you receive the package I sent you? I am assuming so, as I sent it four weeks ago. (Don’t worry about sending a thank-you card. I know you’re busy!) Now, I know you never expressed any interest in reading a book on El Burro Nacional, Mexico’s equivalent of the pony express. However, I think it is a story that needs to be told. Also, the author was in the state hospital with my brother, Larry. (Larry said he was a real “live wire”, always wanting to give someone trumpet lessons, even though no one ever wanted them.)

Well, Catherine, I should go now. I have to be at work soon, and Mr. Carlton gives us heck in a handbasket if we’re late (although I never am. I’m usually early.) I am sending you my best wishes, and I miss you.



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